Просмотр полной версии : [Информация] PWI Descent offsets (ver.612+)

22.04.2012, 19:53
Base address - 0xA52AAC (BASE)
Real base address - 0xA521C0 (RBASE)
Unfreeze address - 0xA52F1C
Send packet address - 0x63AA80

-= character info =- (BASE+0x34)
X coord +0x3C (400+X/10) Float
Y coord +0x44 (550+Y/10) Float
Z coord +0x40 (Z/10) Float
Genie pointer +0x3D0
id +0x480
lvl +0x48C
Cultivation +0x490
Current HP +0x494
Current MP +0x498
Current EXP +0x49C
Spirit +0x4A0
free stats points +0x4A4
Current CHI +0x4A8
ATK lvl +0x4AC
DEF lvl +0x4B0
Critical % +0x4B4 Float
Rage Damage + % +0x4B8 Float
Stealth lvl +0x4BC
Detection lvl +0x4C0
Slaying lvl +0x4C4
Warding lvl +0x4C8
VIT +0x4CC
MAG +0x4D0
STR +0x4D4
DEX +0x4D8
Max. HP +0x4DC
Max. MP +0x4E0
HP regen +0x4E4
MP regen +0x4E8
Speed - walk +0x4EC Float
Speed - run +0x4F0 Float
Speed - swim +0x4F4 Float
Speed - fly +0x4F8 Float
Accuracy +0x4FC
Phys. Atk. Min. +0x500
Phys. Atk. Max. +0x504
Atk. Rate = 20/value +0x508 Float
Range +0x50C Float
Metal Dmg. Min. +0x510
Metal Dmg. Max. +0x514
Wood Dmg. Min. +0x518
Wood Dmg. Max. +0x51C
Water Dmg. Min. +0x520
Water Dmg. Max. +0x524
Fire Dmg. Min. +0x528
Fire Dmg. Max. +0x52C
Earth Dmg. Min. +0x530
Earth Dmg. Max. +0x534
Mag. Atk. Min. +0x538
Mag. Atk. Max. +0x53C
Metal Def. +0x540
Wood Def. +0x544
Water Def. +0x548
Fire Def. +0x54C
Earth Def. +0x550
Phys. Def. +0x554
Evasion +0x558
Max. CHI +0x55C
Coins +0x560
Coins Max. +0x564
ID - Weapon +0x568
ID - Head Wear +0x56C
ID - Necklace +0x570
ID - Robe +0x574
ID - Body Armor +0x578
ID - Belt +0x57C
ID - Legs Armor +0x580
ID - Shoes Armor +0x584
ID - Bracelet Armor +0x588
ID - Ring 1 (left) +0x58C
ID - Ring 2 (right) +0x590
ID - Ammunition +0x594
ID - Aerocrafts +0x598
ID - Fashion Body +0x59C ID different from PWDB,
ID - Fashion Legwear +0x5A0 probably some calculation for color
ID - Fashion Shoe +0x5A4
ID - Fashion Glove +0x5A8
ID - Utility Charm +0x5AC
ID - Mystical Tome +0x5B0
ID - Smiley +0x5B4
ID - Guardian Charm +0x5B8
ID - Spirit Charm +0x5BC
ID - Bless Box +0x5C0
ID - Genie +0x5C4
ID - Vendor License +0x5C8
ID - Fashion Head +0x5CC
Reputation +0x5D8
Trans.state +0x5DC
Name +0x664+0x0 Text(Unicode)
Class +0x66C 0=BM/1=Wiz/2=Psy/3=Veno/4=Barb/5=Sin/6=Archer/7=Cleric/8=Seeker/9=Mystic
Sex +0x670 0=male / 1=female
target id +0xBB4

-= pet stats =- (BASE+0x34+0x10B4)

Pet Current HP +((pet slot - 1)*4+0x10)+0x38
Pet Current EXP +((pet slot - 1)*4+0x10)+0x2C
Pet lvl +((pet slot - 1)*4+0x10)+0x24
Pet hunger +((pet slot - 1)*4+0x10)+0x8 0=Full/1=High/2=Peckish/4=Hunger/5=Starving
Pet loyalty +((pet slot - 1)*4+0x10)+0x4

-= action structures for attack, pick, talk, gather =-
Action Struct. RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C
Action List RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30
Interact With Action RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8
-action finished RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x8
-action start RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x14
-action not start RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x24
-object id RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x20
-X coord of object RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x28
-Z coord of object RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x2C
-Y coord of object RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x30
-type of action RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x38
-set error RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x34
-skill pointer RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x8+0x50
-new action type RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0xC
-set next action RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x18
-set new action type RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x14

-= action structures for move =-

Action Struct. RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C
Action List RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30
Interact With Action RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4
-action finished RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x8
-action start RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x14
-X RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x20
-Z RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x24
-Y RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x28
-heigh RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x68
-??? RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x64
-??? RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x6C
-move type RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x30+0x4+0x2C
-new action type RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0xC
-set next action RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x18
-set new action type RBASE+0x1C+0x34+0x109C+0x14

-= NPC/mob/pet list (sorted) =-

NPC count RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x14
NPC pointer RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4) X=NPC number (0 ... NPC count)
NPC X coord. RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x3C (400+X/10) Float
NPC Y coord. RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x44 (550+Y/10) Float
NPC Z coord. RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x40 (Z/10) Float
NPC id RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x120
NPC pwdb id RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x124
NPC current HP RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x130
NPC max. HP RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x178
NPC name RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x260+0x0 Text (Unicode)
NPC spec. feat. RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x24+0x50+(X*0x4)+0x254

-= PPL list (sorted) =-

PPL count RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x14
PPL pointer RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4) X=PPL number (0 ... PPL count)
PPL X coord. RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x3C (400+X/10) Float
PPL Y coord. RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x44 (550+Y/10) Float
PPL Z coord. RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x40 (Z/10) Float
PPL id RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x480
PPL lvl RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x48C
PPL cultivation RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x490
PPL current HP RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x494
PPL current MP RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x498
PPL max. HP RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x4DC
PPL max. MP RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x4E0
PPL name RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x664+0x0 Text (Unicode)
PPL HP charm RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x59C
PPL MP charm RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x5A0
PPL cathop name RBASE+0x1C+0x1C+0x20+0x88+(X*0x4)+0x760+0x0 Text (Unicode)

-= Genie =- (BASE+0x34+0x3D0)

Genie transformation +0x4
Genie ID +0x8
Genie X +0x38 (400+X/10) Float
Genie Y +0x3C (550+Y/10) Float
Genie Z +0x40 (Z/10) Float
Genie current EXP +0x68
Genie lvl +0x6C
Genie free stats points +0x70
Genie total Affinity +0x94
Genie Metal Affinity +0x98
Genie Wood Affinity +0x9C
Genie Watter Affinity +0xA0
Genie Fire Affinity +0xA4
Genie Earth Affinity +0xA8
Genie Current Energy +0xAC
Genie Max Energy +0xB0
Genie Energy recovery +0xB4
Genie Current Stamina +0xB8
Genie Growth +0xBC
Genie Max Lucky Points +0xC0
Genie number of skills +0xC4
Genie skill 1. pointer +0xCC
Genie skill 2. pointer +0xD0
Genie skill 3. pointer +0xD4
Genie skill 4. pointer +0xD8
Genie skill 5. pointer +0xDC
Genie skill 6. pointer +0xE0
Genie skill 7. pointer +0xE4
Genie skill 8. pointer +0xE8

Genie skill pointer
Skill ID +0x8
Skill lvl +0xc
Skill Cooldown remain +0x10 (ms)
Skill Cooldown time +0x14 (ms)
Is colldown running +0x18 0=rdy/1=cooldown
