Просмотр полной версии : [Скрипт] [Trinity Core] Рубиновое святилище\Ruby Sanctum

25.06.2011, 06:58
На данный момент реализовано:
После входа в инст видимы три боса, но бить можно только 2х
При убийстве боса возле дерева выходит зерестраза с квестом и рассказывает свою печальную историю.
После убийства двух босов, можно бить третьего.
Во время боя окружает огненая стена
Он призывает НПЦ: Ониксовая заклинательница пламени, которые кастят 2 спела
После убийства 3х босов появляется халион. Вот его главное протестировать))
На данный момент при 75% хп появляется портал, а халион исчезает идём в портал там бьём халиона пока не станет 50% жизней появляется портал.
Дальше рейд делим на 2 части, и бьём в обоих фазах босов.
Урон по босу идёт общий от всего рейда.
ну со спелами увеличения урона от ДПС рейда непонятки, нужно наверное будет править, но надо потестить в реальных условиях ))

тестировал на YTDB
[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи]

Форк [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи]

Строки добавляемые в ScriptLoader.cpp
@@ -365,6 +365,11 @@
void AddSC_oculus();
void AddSC_boss_sartharion(); //Obsidian Sanctum
void AddSC_instance_obsidian_sanctum();
+void AddSC_boss_baltharus(); //Ruby Sanctum
+void AddSC_boss_halion();
+void AddSC_boss_ragefire();
+void AddSC_boss_zarithrian();
+void AddSC_instance_ruby_sanctum();
void AddSC_boss_bjarngrim(); //Ulduar Halls of Lightning
void AddSC_boss_loken();
void AddSC_boss_ionar();
@@ -1047,6 +1052,11 @@
AddSC_boss_sartharion(); //Obsidian Sanctum
+ AddSC_boss_baltharus(); //Ruby Sanctum
+ AddSC_boss_halion();
+ AddSC_boss_ragefire();
+ AddSC_boss_zarithrian();
+ AddSC_instance_ruby_sanctum();
AddSC_boss_bjarngrim(); //Ulduar Halls of Lightning

Строки добавляемые в CMakeLists.txt

SQL для тех кто не смог найти его))

DELETE FROM script_texts where `entry` <= -1752008 AND `entry` >= -1752016;
DELETE FROM script_texts where `entry` <= -1752001 AND `entry` >= -1752006;
DELETE FROM script_texts where `entry` <= -1752017 AND `entry` >= -1752036;

INSERT INTO script_texts (`entry`, `content_default`, `npc_entry`, `content_loc3`, `sound`, `type`, `language`) VALUES
('-1752008', 'Help! I am trapped within this tree! I require aid!', '0', '', '17490', '1', '0'),
('-1752009', 'Thank you! I could not have held out for much longer.... A terrible thing has happened here.', '0', '', '17491', '1', '0'),
('-1752010', 'We believed the Sanctum was well-fortified, but we were not prepared for the nature of this assault.', '0', '', '17492', '0', '0'),
('-1752011', 'The Black dragonkin materialized from thin air, and set upon us before we could react.', '0', '', '17493', '0', '0'),
('-1752012', 'We did not stand a chance. As my brethren perished around me, I managed to retreat here and bar the entrance.', '0', '', '17494', '0', '0'),
('-1752013', 'They slaughtered us with cold efficiency, but the true focus of their interest seemed to be the eggs kept here in the Sanctum.', '0', '', '17495', '0', '0'),
('-1752014', 'The commander of the forces on the ground here is a cruel brute named Zarithrian, but I fear there are greater powers at work.', '0', '', '17496', '0', '0'),
('-1752015', 'In their initial assault, I caught a glimpse of their true leader, a fearsome full-grown twilight dragon.', '0', '', '17497', '0', '0'),
('-1752016', 'I know not the extent of their plans, heroes, but I know this: They cannot be allowed to succeed!', '0', '', '17498', '0', '0'),

( -1752001, "Ah, the entertainment has arrived.", 0, "", 17520, 1, 0),
( -1752002, "Baltharus leaves no survivors!", 0, "", 17521, 1, 0),
( -1752003, "This world has enough heroes.", 0, "", 17522, 1, 0),
( -1752004, "I..Didn''t saw...that coming...", 0, "", 17523, 1, 0),
( -1752005, "Twice the pain and half the fun.", 0, "", 17524, 1, 0),
( -1752006, "Your power wanes, ancient one.... Soon you will join your friends.", 0, "", 17525, 1, 0),

( -1752017, "Alexstrasza has chosen capable allies... A pity that I must END YOU!", 0, "", 17512, 1, 0),
( -1752018, "You thought you stood a chance?", 0, "", 17513, 1, 0),
( -1752019, "It''s for the best.", 0, "", 17514, 1, 0),
( -1752020, "HALION! I...", 0, "", 17515, 1, 0),
( -1752021, "Turn them to ashes, minions!", 0, "", 17516, 1, 0),

( -1752022, "You will sssuffer for this intrusion!", 0, "", 17528, 1, 0),
( -1752023, "As it should be...", 0, "", 17529, 1, 0),
( -1752024, "Halion will be pleased", 0, "", 17530, 1, 0),
( -1752025, "Hhrr...Grr..", 0, "", 17531, 1, 0),
( -1752026, "Burn in the master's flame!", 0, "", 17532, 1, 0),

(-1752027, 'Insects! You''re too late. The Ruby Sanctum is lost.',NULL,NULL,17499,0,0),
(-1752028, 'Your world teeters on the brink of annihilation. You will ALL bear witness to the coming of a new age of DESTRUCTION!',NULL,NULL,17500,0,0),
(-1752029, 'Another hero falls.',NULL,NULL,17501,0,0),
(-1752030, 'Hahahahaha.',NULL,NULL,17502,0,0),
(-1752031, 'Relish this victory, mortals, for it will be your last! This world will burn with the master''s return!',NULL,NULL,17503,0,0),
(-1752032, 'Not good enough.',NULL,NULL,17504,0,0),
(-1752033, 'The heavens burn!',NULL,NULL,17505,0,0),
(-1752034, 'Beware the shadow!',NULL,NULL,17506,0,0),
(-1752035, 'You will find only suffering within the realm of twilight! Enter if you dare!',NULL,NULL,17507,0,0),
(-1752036, 'I am the light and the darkness! Cower, mortals, before the herald of Deathwing!',NULL,NULL,17508,0,0);

UPDATE `instance_template` SET `script`='instance_ruby_sanctum' WHERE (`map`='724');
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_baltharus' WHERE `entry` = '39751';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_baltharus_summon' WHERE `entry` = '39899';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_xerestrasza' WHERE `entry` = '40429';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_zarithrian' WHERE `entry` = '39746';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_ragefire' WHERE `entry` = '39747';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_halion' WHERE `entry`= '39863';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'boss_twilight_halion' WHERE `entry` = '40142';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_onyx_flamecaller' WHERE `entry` = '39814';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_meteor_strike', `flags_extra`=128 WHERE `entry` = '40041';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_meteor_flame', `flags_extra`=128 WHERE `entry` = '40042';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ScriptName` = 'npc_spell_meteor_strike', `flags_extra`=128 WHERE `entry` = '40029';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `name`='summon halion', `ScriptName` = 'npc_summon_halion', `flags_extra`=128 WHERE `entry` = '40044';

REPLACE `spell_script_names` SET `ScriptName` = 'spell_halion_portal', `spell_id`=74812;

UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `data10`=74807 WHERE `entry`=202794;
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `data10`=74812 WHERE `entry`=202796;

DELETE FROM `spell_linked_spell` WHERE (`spell_trigger`='-74562') AND (`spell_effect`='74610');
DELETE FROM `spell_linked_spell` WHERE (`spell_trigger`='-74792') AND (`spell_effect`='74800');
INSERT INTO spell_linked_spell VALUES (-74562, 74610, 0, 'Fiery Combustion removed -> Combustion');
INSERT INTO spell_linked_spell VALUES (-74792, 74800, 0, 'Soul Consumption removed -> Consumption');

DELETE FROM creature WHERE `id`=39863 and `map`=724;
INSERT INTO creature VALUES (null,39863,724,15,1,0,0,3144.93,527.233,72.8887,0 .110395,300,0,0,11156000,0,0,0);