Просмотр полной версии : Сборка сервера L2JImpulse Rev. 3

12.02.2011, 11:38
Сборка сервера L2JImpulse Rev. 3
Разработчик: NoEdition
Размер: 14.99 mb
Хроники: Interlude
Платформа: Java
FIX LIST: *****************************************
** L2JImpulse Rev 2 ** |[49 Fixes]| **

##// Фиксы____________[3.2.11]
[1]Fix FaenorScriptEngine.
[2]Fix MapRegionTable(Ivory Tower).
[3]Fix TownManager.
[4]Little fix AdminEditNpc.
[5]Fix Now PM working during teleport too.
[6]Fix Cannot restart while having karma.
[7]Fixed Clan(player.setTitle).
[8]GM Restart/Logout While Fighting Enabled.
[9]Soulshots/Spiritshots/B.spiritshots Fixed( on retail u cannot use them while you are paralyzed ).
[10]Fix karma player gets 100% death penalty.
[11]Fixed HP and MP regeneration for pets.
[12]Allow GMs to kill invul NPCs .
[13]Excluding Herbs from item log.
[14]Non tradeable items can be left now at warehouse.
[15]Fixed removes player from party.
[16]Stop Task when Fish Dead.
[17]Fix for mustisells using fame (maintainEnchantement=true).
[18]Fix Party radar position.
[19]Stuck Augments Fixed.
[20]Updating friendlist after adding a new friend.
[21]Invisible players can not be invited to the party.
[22]fix for Clan reputation points

##// Эксплоиты( +Баги)____________[3.2.11]
[23]Fix Target bug.
[24]Fix Clan Leader Wyvern Exploit.
[25]Fix Pet Hero Items Exploit.
[26]Some Exploits fixed [UseItem,L2SkillSummon].

##// Команды (Admin,Item,User,Voice)____________[3.2.11]
[27]Fix //para command.

##// Скилы____________[3.2.11]
[28]Update core skills + added some effects.
[29]Added Core Support For Mastery Skills.
[30]Added core support SoulOfThePhoenix.
[31]Some debuff chance decrease.
[32]Added pReuse core support + some fixes.
[33]More skills fixed (core).
[34]Fixed buffVuln.
[35]Fix SkillType.CANCEL was not triggering effects.
[36]Fix Core Support for CritVuln type Skills like Chant of Protection(CritDMG Bonus is decreased).
[37]Fix Reflect damage.
[38]New boolean for skills "ignoreResists", default false.
If true then skill will completely ignore target resists (can't be reflected too) and land rate depends only on power.
Can be used for Mirage and Infinity Spear SA, for example.
Also skilltypes BUFF, REFLECT, HEAL_PERCENT, MANAHEAL_PERCENT can't be reflected.
[39]Lethal System Fixed.
[40]Fix -50% MCrits.
[41]Added support for debuff cancel skills.
[42]Support for debuff cancel skills fix.
[43]A little fix Disablers.java.
[44]Fixed Abort the cast.
[45]Fix Balance.

##// Другое(по мелочам)____________[3.2.11]
[46]Added text(copyrights) to EnterWorld.
[47]Removed 3% warnings.

##// новые конфиги(+ системы)____________[3.2.11]
[48]Adde config Flagget/Combat Players Cannot Use GK.
[49]added config ReputationScorePerKill.

##// Перевод файлов____________[3.2.11]


##// Квесты____________[3.2.11

** L2JImpulse Rev 3 ** |[51 Fixes]| **

##// Фиксы____________[10.2.11]
[1]Added IPv4Filter + Against Protection.
[2]Cannot request trade far away from 150 units.
[3]Added Spawn Protection for Pet and Summon.
[4]Added Raid Boss Spawn Announcements.
[5]ClanhallManager cant use Support Magic if MP is lower then needed MP.
[6]Both clans need to declare war to use pvp skills without flag.
[7]Fix for banish players.
[8]Summon Aggro transfer to its owner when it dies:
*if a servitor (or pet) die his aggro will revert to the summoner.
[9]Fix move according to geodata / using geodata.
[10]Auction bug fixed.
[11]Fast Raid Boss update after kill.
[12]TvT Event onLogout() now called on disconnects too.
[13]Fix GM diet mode.
[14]Pets cannot pick up spawned mercenaries.
[15]Fix Olympiad save npe.
[16]Players leaving from clan academy have no penalty.
[17]Added clan lvl-up animation.
[18]Do not display equipped items on a exchange multisell list.
[19]Fix config ItemsOnCharCreate.
[20]Fix Character create delete IPv4Filter.
[21]Fix now to start GS need 1gb free memory.
[22]Fix Spawn Valakas.
[23]Fix Spawn Baium.
[24]Fixed Augmentation to consume only 1 Life Stone instead of all present in the inv:
* skill enchantment overconsumption of stacked items.
* One more stackable item consumption.

##// Эксплоиты( +Баги)____________[10.2.11]
[25]Fix Exploit TvT & Oly at same time.
[26]Preventing frenzy and other bugs in olympiad:
*It will heal(CP,HP,MP) the olympiad participants just before the match starts.
[27]if casting augmentation cannot prossesing.

##// Команды (Admin,Item,User,Voice)____________[10.2.11]
[28]Added Localitation VoiceCommand.
[29]Fix some voice commands(loc,OnlinePlayers,Stat):
* Registered in VoiceCommandHandler.java.
[30]Fix Localitation VoiceCommand.
[31]Added VoicedCommandBuff(.fbuff and .mbuff).

##// Скилы____________[10.2.11]
[32]Fix Evasion and Accuracy after lvl 70.
[33]Fixes MP consume for "stance" type toggle skills based on player level.
[34]Added MOG SkillType.
[35]Calc damage [EffectDamOverTime.java] poison and bleed weak effect.
[36]More skill fix in CombatPointHeal.java.
[37]The magic critical damage has been decreased to 3 times from 4 times of normal damage.
[38]Added Support for Summon target.
[39]Fix Summon Skills:now p.def will be normal(not 105k).

##// Другое(по мелочам)____________[10.2.11]
[40]Fix 31685.htm (Double Text).
[41]Fix 30950-2.htm.
[42]Cleaning guard home location code.
[43]TARGET_CLAN doesn't target caster twice.
[44]Validate coordinate check, wrong numbers.
[45]NPE Fix.

##// Новые конфиги(+ системы)____________[10.2.11]
[46]Added config DisableBowForClasses.
[47]Added champions Event + Added aura for champions.
[48]Added config Unlimited Arrows.
[49]Added config EnchantBreak.
[50]Added config ItemsOnCharCreate.
[51]Fix Augmentation(Full code) + Added config Augmentation.ini.

##// Перевод файлов____________[10.2.11]


##// Квесты____________[10.2.11]


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